Lucas Fuller


Lucas Fuller

Date of Birth:

16th January 2010

Family or Friend Involvement?

Daddy, Sister & Cousin

Are you going to drive ponies in the future?


Who do you help out?

My big sister

Do you drive pony’s at home?

I try with sissy's help

Do you own a pony/horse?


Favourite Racing Horse:

Captain Rama & Lucas

Favourite Racing Driver:

My Daddy & Uncle Luke

Most Admired Person:

My Poppy (Allan) & My Best Friend Jacob

Most Thrilling Moment:

Watching Sissy win her first race

What sports do you play?

Lets see how long Mummy can run after mum

Favourite Drink:


Favourite Food:

Lolly pops

Favourite TV Show:

Tom and Jerry & Smurfs

Favourite Music:

Gangland Style

Favourite Pastime:

Spending time with Jacob


Loves anything to do with water




To keep Mummy, Daddy and Jacob busy running after me