Name:  Jacinta Gilbert

Date of Birth:  4 July 1999

Family:  Gilbert and Preston

Are your parents involved in Harness Racing?  Yes

What are your racing colours?  Pink and White Checks

How long have you been driving ponies?  3 Seasons

What is your pony's name?  Westbury Bogart

Do you work your pony most days?  Yes

First Pony:  PJ

First Pony Winner:  PJ 

Favourite Racing Horse:  Friends for Life

Favourite Racing Driver:   Pa Preston

Most Admired Person:   Daddy and Mummy

Most Thrilling Moment:   Winning at the 2009 Royal Adelaide Show

What sports do you play?  Netball, Jump Rope

Favourite Drink:  Sunkist/Fanta

Favourite Food:  Spaghetti Bolognaise and Chocolate

Favourite TV Show:  Hannah Montana

Favourite Music:  Taylor Swift

Favourite Pastime:  Netball, Reading, Riding Ponies

Likes:  Animals and Family

Dislikes:  Any poisonous creature

Ambition:  Vet, Author

Updated:  25/10/09