28TH NSW MINI TROTTING CHAMPIONSHIP - For more information Please Click Here. Please see Rachel for Nominations.
December 2011
Christmas Lucky Squares Winners
1st - Number 47 Jim Smith
2nd - Number 20 Jess Newman
October 2011
NSW Mini Trots have a task for young drivers who would like to participate, please click here
March 2011
Up and coming racecaller Rehn Nagel makes it to Wide World of Sports, click link to view
Or read the article on Rehn, click link to view
March 2011
2011 NSW Mini Trot Championships at Maitland Showgrounds - 23 & 24 April 2011
Amendment to Rule 6.1
Before a new pony is eligible to race it must trial first, and then have two Saturday nights to determine its class. After two starts ponies will be handicapped accordingly at the discretion of the handicapping committee and then points will be accrued.. Points will accrue from the first Globe Derby Park race meeting where there are the 4 mandatory class events.
30 September 2010 - Forms and monies due to Julie Gilbert, 19 Trotters Drive, Globe Derby Park SA 5110 or hand deliver to Julie Billinger at the races.
9 October 2010 - Final date to enter pony's for the Fun Night, email
17 October 2010 - The pony area needs to be cleared of weeds and spruced up before the season starts. Bring a shovel and rake and meet at Globe Derby pony area at 11.00 am, drinks supplied.
23 October 2010 - Trials for educational purposes, new ponies and new drivers. Please advise Julie Gilbert of attendance on 0401 869 267.
23 October 2010 - A feature night at Globe Derby to celebrate the horse, Globe Derby's 100th birthday, there will be fun rides and face painting. If you wish to race your pony on this night entries need to be in by 9 October.
20 November 2010 - The Mayor of Salisbury has invited the SAHRPA to join in the Salisbury Christmas Parade. Unfortunately due to insurance reasons we wont be allowed to take ponies but we have the loan of a fibreglass horse and driver float which we can use. Drivers to be in their racing colours and white pants. Click Here for more info.
28 December 2010 - Port Pirie are having a night meeting and would love the ponies to come and race at their family meeting. Support the clubs that support us.
February 2010
Breeders Crown at Wayville 9 & 10 April
August 2009
Royal Adelaide Show Information and Map
2 July 2009
2009 Royal Adelaide Show – Friday 4
September to Saturday 12 September (9 nights)
The SA Harness Racing Pony Association will be holding pony trots this
year at the Royal Adelaide Show EVERY NIGHT, 9 nights in total. It has been agreed that 6 ponies will
race per night. Those 6 ponies
will compete in 2 races per night.
Each pony will receive a $20 appearance fee each night it attends and races, with the driver receiving a few goodies.
The allocated time slot will be around 7.15pm or 7.30pm (to be finalised) for ½ hour per night for the 9 nights.
In this ½ hour the drivers and ponies will:
1. On
entering the arena in “Indian file” be introduced to the spectators
2. Have
their profiles announced over the PA by the broadcaster
3. A
few drivers to be interviewed on the track (to be arranged)
4. Compete
in 2 pony races.
- PARKING will be allowed in showground’s for 6 floats
- Overnight stabling is NOT AVAILABLE
- Barn stabling and tie-up/harnessing area will be supplied (ie the same
as last year) but may not be exact area due to changes at showground’s
- Ribbons are being organised for competitors, and working hard on other
worthwhile incentives.
If interested in racing at this years Royal Adelaide Show please phone Angela Wise on 8284 7815 or 0438 824 878 by 1 August 2009.
PLEASE NOTE: There are many things to consider in giving each child a fair chance at competing so we need to know what nights you are available to race your pony and it would be appreciated if you could race at least 1 night during the week and not just on weekends.
The 2008 Royal Adelaide Show proved to be a fun night for the kids
driving their ponies under the bright lights with the large crowd cheering them
on – so lets do it all over again.
5 May 2009
Anyone wishing to purchase a DVD of the Pony Trots from the 2008 Royal Adelaide Show, the cost is $38.50 per dvd/night. The contact details are: Wayne Christian, Central Audio/Visual, 31-33 Cawthorne Street, Thebarton SA 5031 Mobile: 0418 854 023; Phone: (08) 8352 4499; Fax: (08) 8352 4377; Email:
16 February 2009
Due to a couple of incidents that have happened during the pony racing season, it has been decided as a precaution that all race bikes be fitted with a dust sheet effective immediately.
There will be a couple of young girls very excited about heading to Victor Harbor on Sunday. After proving themselves for the past two weeks in the parade ring trials, they are heading to Victor with their relatives to have their first race drives. The two girls in question are Kaycee Carey driving the coloured Magpie Mary and Sharni driving the improving Midnight Star. Good luck girls.
We also have another driver Madison Smith who hasn't driven for a couple of years heading to Victor on an unknown pony Aadelaidee Lady, hopefully we will see them both on Saturday nights in the future.
Hope to see you all there as I am sure it will be a nice warm day.
28 December 2008
SA Pony Trotters gets a new Catcher but this time on foot. On the 6th December 2008 Wynkie Sweet Fairytales put on a rodeo show and this week Mr Murphy followed in her footsteps and put on a show too, luckily both times Daryl Lehmann was there to catch them. Maybe we should buy him a red coat!
20 December 2008
Winners of the Christmas Raffle. 1st Shen; 2nd Shen; 3rd Maria Cutri.
11 December 2008
Change in Race Distances: At the last Committee Meeting it was discussed to run the ponies over the longer distance of 800m as has been done in previous years, this of course is with the exception of the Shetland Class. As the 800m is in the home straight this gives the public the chance to watch the ponies come onto the track, get organised and then race.
9 December 2008

1000 Tickets at $1.00 each
Tickets available at Globe Derby Park on Saturday nights.
To be drawn on Saturday 20th December 2008 at 9.30 pm at Globe Derby Park
Total Value of Prizes over $600
24 November 2008
Braden Jarman is 19 years old and is a grandson of Val and Marlene Billinger. He is studying Media and Journalism at the University of SA and is very excited about the opportunity to call the pony trots. This is a great opportunity for him to gain confidence in public speaking and he is also going to give me a hand in writing some short stories.
Braden would be the first to admit that his first call was a bit nerve wracking but as he gets to know the drivers and their pony’s better, he will become an asset to our association.
6 November 2008
Last Thursday the 6th of November Angela Wise was invited to talk on the radio station 88.7 FM. It was a great chance to let the public know that Pony racing is back at Globe Derby Park and for family's to come out and watch the young drivers in action and possibly recruit some more interested participants. Angela let the listeners know some of the professional drivers who have come through the pony's over the years and as she mentioned some names the hosts commented that they either knew or had at some stage interviewed those drivers on their show. It was also an opportunity to promote the new Pony Website which should be available shortly.