Name:   Jack Robert Wenham

Date of Birth:  7 November 1994

Family:  Tayla, Lindsay and Andra

Are your parents involved in Harness Racing?  No

What are your racing colours?  Pink & Black 'N' Striped Sleeves

How long have you been driving ponies?  3 years

What is your pony's name?  Wandarra Tess

Do you work your pony most days?  No

First Pony:   Tess

First Pony Winner:  Tess

Favourite Racing Horse:  Opportunity Knox

Favourite Racing Driver:  Danielle Hill

Most Admired Person:  Adam Gilchrist

Most Thrilling Moment:  Club Championships Karting

What sports do you play?  Cricket/Kart Racing

Favourite Drink:   Iced Tea

Favourite Food:  Chinese

Favourite TV Show:  Simpson

Favourite Music:  All sorts

Favourite Pastime:  Racing and Cricket

Likes:  Racing - Motor - Cricket

Dislikes:  None really

Ambition:  Play for Australia or Race V8's